Sunday, February 26, 2012

Caper Process in Photos
 multiply this process by 8 and ta-da!

Flavor of the Week

- O P I -
-French Quarter For Your Thoughts-

Vidal loves this color. It's classy. 

A sure thing

be unexpected. be fresh. be fancy. we are all tired of the tedious safe trends. do something ahead of the curve. think outside of the box. be a sure thing.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Flavor of the Week

-795 Devilish-

Taking it back old school. Classic.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

White Bobbys

Bored of the basic brown and black bobbys? Get your pin on with this fresh white pin collection from Bumble and Bumble.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Top Secret

Whip Your Hair?

Do you whip your hair back and forth? -- yeah???

Stop it!

Whipping leads to split ends and split ends open hair up a whole world to breakage, snapage, and sad, sad hair. Lucky for you I have a cure for those who have taken Miss. Smith's unfortunate hair advice.
Girls with long locks everywhere have been taming the frazzled ends for centuries, and one of the classiest trends is back! Hello Top Knot. Oh, how we have missed you. The top knot is super easy to achieve and cute to boot.

Now get those loose ends tied up.

Here's how:

What you will need:

- boar bristle brush

- hair elastics

- Bobby pins

- hair donut( if you need some extra fluff)
- hairspray
- dry shampoo

Lets get started

1. Flip your head upside down and Brush your hair to the apex (top) of your head. Using a boar brush will release the natural oils your body produces and will add lots of shine to your hair.

2. Secure your hair into a pony tale using a soft elastic, to prevent breakage. For a big fancy bun or if your hair is a little shorter add the donut here around the pony tale. Spray some dry shampoo and Back comb just a little bit to create a nice anchor.

3. Wrap and tuck hair all around the donut until it is completely concealed and pin with bobbies along the way. If you are not using a donut just twist wrap into a bun.

4. Spray with some hairspray and tug gently at the bun to loosen it up a bit. Spray down any flyways and you are good to go.

Top knot victory!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flavor of the Week

- OPI -
- I Break For Manicures -

Break for a manicure.... Once a week!